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About IQAC

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB) was reformed on 18th March, 2024 as per decision of the 1st General Meeting of IQAC with the consent of Professor Gias Uddin Ahsan, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice Chancellor (in-charge), CUB to ensure the continuous improvement of academic and administrative quality of CUB. This report summarizes the progress and key initiatives undertaken by IQAC up to December, 2024.

Message from Director

Greetings from the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB).

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is established in every public and private university of Bangladesh to develop a mechanism for systematic reviews of study programs, and to ensure quality teaching-learning, research, knowledge generation, and support services standards at an acceptable level. Understanding the emerging need for quality in tertiary education, the IQAC was established at Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB) in March 2018. CUB is committed to excellence and innovation in learning, teaching, and research and continuously strives to improve its learning environment and update its curricula. The IQAC is assisting in centralizing quality assurance activities at CUB.

I am very pleased to state that since March 2024, IQAC has become a permanent educational wing of Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB). Working as an independent center, it is dedicated to the greater improvement of the university. I look forward to your valuable support and cooperation in this new journey of IQAC. With your support and kind cooperation, IQAC at CUB can become a pioneer in Higher University Education in Bangladesh.

Professor Dr. Zahurul Alam
Director, IQAC

Vision, Mission and Roadmap

To achieve academic excellence through quality assurance practices.

To gain confidence of the stakeholders in the globalized setting by ensuring best practices with transparency, accountability and credibility in accordance with internationally acceptable quality assurance practices.

Roadmap of IQAC for the Academic Year of 2024

Training/Workshop/Seminar Resource/Key Persons Target Group/Participants Tentative Date and Time Actual Date and Time
OBE Curriculum and course outline Preparation according to BAC Guidelines Associate Prof. Ifat Al Baqee, AD, IQAC All PSAC committee members, FQAC committee members and Registrar 24.04.2024 3pm-6pm 24.04.2024 3pm-6pm
Accreditation (Introduction, Relevance, Procedures) Associate Prof. Ifat Al Baqee, AD, IQAC All academic and non-academic staff 22.04.2024 3pm-6pm 08.05.2024 3pm-6pm
Introduction to BNQF Guidelines Prof. Golam Azam, EWU All academic staff, Registrar, COE, IT Head 18.06.2024 3pm-5pm 09.11.2024 3pm-5pm
Workshop on Preparing OBE-Based Course Materials for BAETE Accreditation Prof. Golam Azam, EWU All academic staff 09.12.2024 3pm-5pm 09.12.2024 3pm-5pm
Basic teaching Methodology for Newly Appointed Teachers TBA Newly appointed teachers of each semester 08.07.2024 TBD
Pedagogical Techniques of Teaching TBA All Faculty Members 22.07.2024 TBD
Designing PEO and PO in Outcome Based Education (OBE) Prof. Muhibul Haque Bhuyan All Faculty Members 06.08.2024 TBD
Preparing OBE Based Course Materials for BAC Accreditation Associate Prof. Ifat Al Baqee, AD, IQAC All Faculty Members 20.09.2024 TBD
Introduction to Complex Problems in Outcome Based Education Prof. Abdur Razzak (IUB) All Faculty Members 09.10.2024 TBD
Basic teaching Methodology for Newly Appointed Teachers TBA Newly appointed teachers of each semester 28.10.2024 TBD
Workshop on Capstone Design Project TBA All Faculty Members 12.11.2024 TBD

Function of the IQAC

    ▪  To implement quality assurance (QA) decisions taken by the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC).
    ▪  To organize training, workshop, and seminar on quality assurance for school members, non-teaching officers, and staff.
    ▪  To support programs for meeting requirements of professional accreditations.
    ▪  To develop and maintain a database containing information regarding quality assurance of all programs and stakeholders.
    ▪  To promote and monitor modern teaching-learning pedagogy.
    ▪  To prepare and produce an annual institutional quality assurance report and place it before the QAC for future action plans.
    ▪  To prepare a detailed budget of IQAC.

Organogram of IQAC

Relation Structure of Institutional Quality Assurance Bodies of the University, SPQA and UGC

Functions of the Vice Chancellor
The Vice Chancellor as the Chairperson of the QAC of the university shall place all the decisions, documents, QA strategic plan of the university and reports prepared by the IQAC for ratification and endorsement by the syndicate.

Quality Assurance Committee (QAC)
The committee set up by the university authority for institutional oversight of the IQAC. In order to look after the key issues of quality assurance and activities of the IQAC the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) has been constituted in Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB). The IQAC shall report to the Vice Chancellor (VC) and be supervised by the University’s QAC.

Composition of QAC:
The composition of QAC of CUB is as follows:
1. Vice Chancellor (Chairperson)
2. Pro-Vice Chancellor
3. Director, IQAC
4. All Deans
5. TBA
6. TBA
7. Registrar (in charge)
8. Director of Finance and Accounts
9. Additional Director, IQAC, Member Secretary of QAC

Functions of QAC
1. The QAC shall be an advisory body to the IQAC for developing an effective and workable system of quality assurance.
2. QAC shall act as a planning forum for the discussion and promotion of the developments in quality assurance culture.

School Quality Assurance Committee (FQAC)
Composition of FQAC:
In order to implement the decisions taken by QAC on key issues of quality assurance on School and Department of the School Quality Assurance Committee (FQAC) has been constituted in CUB. Three FQAC has been constituted to supervise all programs under the faculties. The composition of the FQAC is as follows:

(i) FQAC of School of Sciences and Engineering
1. Dean, School of Sciences and Engineering, Chairperson
2. Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)
3. Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
4. Department of Shipping & Maritime Science (SMS)

(ii) FQAC of School of Business
1. Dean, School of Business and Economics, Chairperson
2. Chairperson, Department of Business Administration, Member
3. Chairperson, Department of Economics, Member

(iii) FQAC of School of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
1. Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, Chairperson
2. Chairperson, Department of English, Member
3. Chairperson, Department of Law, Member
4. Chairperson, Department of Media, Communication and Journalism (MCJ)

(iv) FQAC of School of Public Health and Bio Sciences
1. Dean, School of Public Health and Bio Sciences, Chairperson
2. Chairperson, Department of Public Health, Member

Functions FQAC:
1. To supervise and guide PSACs under the School for quality assurance of the programs.
2. To make action plan in cooperation with IQAC for implementing QAC decisions regarding individual programs.

Program Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC)
Composition of PSAC
1. Chairman/Director of the Department/ Institute or senior School of the Department/ Institute nominated by the academic committee (Chair).
2. Two other School members nominated by the academic committee.

Functions of the PSAC
1. To prepare periodic Self-Assessment (SA) report and necessary action plan for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) of the program and to submit report to the FQAC.
2. To implement and monitor under supervision of FQAC and IQAC, QA action plans approved by QAC.
3. To organize workshops, seminars and training programs for improving quality culture of the programs/departments.
4. To assist periodic improvement of program curriculum in consultation with all stakeholders such as School members, curriculum committee, industrial advisory panel, alumni and students.


Director, IQAC:
Professor Dr. Zahurul Alam
Mobile: 01733734406
E-mail: zahurul.alam@cub.edu.bd, zalam111@yahoo.com
PABX: +880-29821304, Ext: 1039
Program Officer, IQAC:
Md. Tanzilur Rahman
Mobile: 01930039957
E-mail: tanzilur.rahman@cub.edu.bd
PABX: 1029