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Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB) has started its journey since June 2016 with the visions and missions of providing excellent education and generating emerging knowledge applicable for the Era of ICT. The assortment challenges of new generation equipped with the materialized global knowledge commanding the attention of the students, and yet be delivered in a method and at a pace that will permit the student to achieve success. In addition to preparing the students to apply their knowledge and skills, the university develops the curriculum with right attitude to attain a specific ability for the profession to deliver. Delivery of the curriculum will engage the students in an active learning process, in which their critical thinking and problem-solving skills will continue to be refined. The educational and career development methodologies are designed to equip the 21st century students with the skills that is required to become accomplished in their respected fields. This will transform the students into highly competent professionals having the potential of becoming future leader in the respective precinct. The university emphasizes on the integration of information, communication and technology-based education while trains its students about human ethics and regulatory laws in their profession as well as the overall society.
As the world is going towards revolutionary changes of technological aspects, peoples lives are changing very quickly into a furtive future where the development to be approaching is beyond human thinking. Technology is entering in every domain of human life. So, to keep pace with these ongoing changes, our education system should also be changed and updated with the emerging scopes and facilities and changes in industries.

To address the needs and virtualized environment of today's era, with the direct engagement of a group of young talent teachers, CUB has introduced the Tutorial Based Education (TBE) system for the first time in Bangladesh to implement the slogan of "Inspiring Applied Knowledge for the Future". TBE has already been implemented successfully in many reputed universities of the world, but CUB's version of TBE is a unique and novel concept applicable for the education processes in the evolving ICT Era. TBE in CUB is a kind of hands-on learning that addresses the real-life problems to be explored by the students and accumulates all the good features extracted from both the traditional input-based education system and the latest problem-based learning (PBL) to ensure the current direction of Outcome Based Education (OBE). The unique features of TBE in CUB helps students to understand the knowledge and concepts embedded within the curriculum and make them prepared for both the examination and future professional careers inside the university environment. This also facilitates them to build socialism among their classmates and helping attitude for understanding and solving problems through group activities.

Students in current world are very talented compared with any time in the past; they have the opportunity to learn by doing and surfing through worldwide social media like Facebook, google and YouTube. Even the parents do not know about the explorative and creative capabilities that their children have. However, the students are not getting interest in their study when they have to go through the backdated education process derived from the traditional one just by including multimedia projector. They want to create something for making the world wonder; they want to know the entire world about their existence. Canadian University of Bangladesh is going to provide both knowledge and skills at the deserving level of the talented students in the ICT era for converting them into the real emerging citizens of the country for today and for the future.

The policies and procedures followed within CUB are utilizing ICT and providing services in a very personalized way. Computing system is available for every activities in this university from admitting students to collecting student attendance to certificate printing. The facilities and administrative supports of this university are also designed to provide at a customized level based on individual demands in a highly comfortable manner. University Management Software (UMS) helps the all level of users including faculties, administrative staffs and students to attain the best services just a single click away. Moodle software is used to facilitate the faculties and students for sharing the course materials, assignments and events management and disseminating messages as well as sharing knowledge just by clicking mouse from anywhere of the world at any time.

CUB is an emerging university to educate the new generation for making them suitable for emerging world and pioneering and exceeding the education processes followed in North America and Canada. This university is profoundly committed to fulfill its responsibility to produce the world-class leaders and skilled professionals required to ensure the success and prosperity of the nation and to hasten the arrival of wonderful future. This place would definitely be the right choice for the Youngers to choose for building the future.